ODS Help Desk Data Modification Request Form

Please use this form to request a data modification in ASPEN. This includes: updating withdrawal codes, merging student duplicate IDs, adding a homeroom code once a student is withdrawn, and correcting withdrawal dates.

Please note that all required fields are denoted by a red asterisk (*).

Your Name:*    Please enter first and last name separated by a space
Your Email Address:*    Please enter your dc.gov email account
The response to your correspondence will be sent to this email address.
Your Role:*    Please enter your role
Your Phone #:    Please enter your phone #
You are:*
Central Office Staff
School Staff
"Please choose the data system:"*

Select type of request :

IMPORTANT: If this request is for more than a single student, please enter the Students' information (Student Name and ASPEN Pupil ID) in the description box at the bottom of this request form.

Student Name:*
ASPEN Pupil ID:*
Student Full Name:*
Student First Name:*
Student Last Name:*
ASPEN Pupil ID # Being Kept:*
Number of Incorrect ASPEN Pupil IDs:*
ASPEN Pupil ID #:*
ASPEN Pupil ID #:*
ASPEN Pupil ID #:*
ASPEN Pupil ID #:*
USI #:*
Does the Student haven an IEP?*

Please make sure that One Attendance request is created for just One Student. DO NOT enter multiple Students below.

Student Name:*
ASPEN Pupil ID:*
If not attending, what was the student's last date of attendance or date the truancy protocol was completed?    Date must be between the first day of School and today
If not attending, what School is the student attending now?
What was the first date they attended your School this year?    Date must be between the first day of School and today
Before that date, what School were they attending?

Please provide a detailed description of the issue, explaining what led to the need for this data modification request.
Please be specific and know that we may contact you with follow-up questions:*

Do you need to attach documents?*
Yes No