Location of Incident *
1313 New York Avenue NW
1413 Girard Street NW
1910 Massachusetts  Avenue
1910 Massachusetts Ave NE
810 5th Street, NW (Patricia Handy Legacy)
Access Housing 840 Chesapeake Street SE Washington, DC 20032
Access Housing, Inc. 840 Chesapeake Street SE
Access Housing, Southeast Veterans Service Center,820 Chesapeake St.SE
Arboretum Hotel, PEP-V Site, 1917 Bladensburg Rd NE, Washington, DC 20002
Banneker Recreation Center, 2500 Georgia Av, NW WDC 20001
Bethany,Inc.,System Transformation Initiative,Scattered Sites
Bradley and Associates, Rapid Re-Housing, Adults
Bright Beginnings Daycare,128 M Street,NW,Washington,DC 20001
Calvary Women's Services,Calvary Women's Shelter,1217 Good Hope Rd.SE
Calvary Women's Services,Calvary Women's Shelter,317 H Street NW(TEN)
Capitol Hill Group Ministry,ADA Unit
Capitol Hill Group Ministry,Congregation Based Shelterá Scattered sites
Capitol Hill Group Ministry,Outreach 7th St.SW,Mass Ave,15th St.SE,Anacostia River
Capitol Hill Group Ministry,Shelter Plus Care,Scattered Sites
Capitol Hill Group Ministry,System Transformation Initiative Scattered Sites
Capitol Skyline Hotel, PEP-V Site, 10 I Street, SW, WDC 20024
Casa Ruby: Casa Ruby I (Transitional Housing), 1216 Kennedy St, NW WDC 20011
Casa Ruby: Casa Ruby II (Crisis Beds), 641 Gallatin Street NW WDC 20011
Casa Ruby: Casa Ruby III (Hypothermia/Low Barrier), 7530 Georgia Ave NW WDC 20012
Catholic Charities, 801 East Hypothermia, 2722 Martin Luther King Ave SE
Catholic Charities, Blair Shelter 635 I Street, NE
Catholic Charities, Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
Catholic Charities, FRSP
Catholic Charities, Permanent Supportive Housing Program
Catholic Charities, Spring Flats PSH-I
Catholic Charities, St. Josephine Bakhita
Catholic Charities,1355-57 New York Avenue
Catholic Charities,2210 Adams Place,NE
Catholic Charities,801 Making Life Better Lane,SE
Catholic Charities,Case Management for FRSP,Scattered Sites
Catholic Charities,Families In Transition/Brandywine
Catholic Charities,Harriett Tubman Center at DC General Hospital
Catholic Charities,Hypothermia Church Shelters and Banneker recreation Center
Catholic Charities,Mt.Carmel,471 G Place,NW
Catholic Charities,Mulumba House,621 Rhode Island Ave. NW
Catholic Charities,Mulumba House,621 Rhode Island Ave.NW
Catholic Charities,Nativity/Hermano Pedro
Catholic Charities,St.Martin/TEN,4275 4th Street SE (Scattered Site Apartments)
Catholic Charities; Emery Rec Center; 5701 Georgia Ave NW Washington, DC 20019
CCNV 2South, 425 2nd St NW
CCNV 425 2nd street NW
CCNV Drop-In Center, 425 2nd St NW
Christ House,Medical Beds,1717 Columbia Road,NW
Church of Epiphany, 1317 G St NW
Coalition for the Homeless 400 50th Street, SE
Coalition for the Homeless, 50TH Street Family Program, 400 50th St., SE
Coalition for the Homeless, Emery Overflow/Hypothermia, 1725 Lincoln Rd NE
Coalition for the Homeless, Eve's Place Overflow/Hypothermia, 2210 Adams Place NE
Coalition for the Homeless, Salvation Army, 3335 Sherman Ave NW
Coalition for the Homeless,Blair Shelter 635 I Street,NE
Coalition for the Homeless,Emery Work Bed Program, 87 New York Avenue, NW, 20001
Coalition for the Homeless,Emery Working Shelter,1725 Lincoln Road,NE,20002
Coalition for the Homeless,Employment and Training,920 A Rhode Island Ave,NE
Coalition for the Homeless,La Casa TRP
Coalition for the Homeless,Park Road Transitional,1318 Park Road,NW
Coalition for the Homeless,Spring Road Shelter,1433-35 Spring Road,NW
Coalition for the Homeless,Valley Place 1355-57 Valley Place SE
Coalition for the Homeless,Virginia Williams Family Resource Center, 920-A Rhode Island
Coalition for the Homeless,Webster House,4326 14th Street,NW
Collaborative Solutions for Communities, 3333 14th St NW #200
Collaborative Solutions for Communities, FRSP
Collaborative Solutions for Communities, Rapid Re-Housing
Collaborative Solutions for Communities, Youth Rapid Re-Housing
Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative System Transformation Initiative,Scattered Sites
Community Connections 801 E Men's Shelter, 2700 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
Community Connections 801 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Community Connections, 801 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
Community Connections, Homeless Street Outreach
Community Connections, Permanent Supportive Housing, Site-Based
Community Connections, Walter Reed, PSH-Individuals
Community Connections,Shelter Plus Care,Scattered sites
Community Council for the Homeless, Zeke's House,5643 Western Ave., NW
Community Council for the Homeless,Friendship Place Outreach,4713 Wisconsin Ave NW,WDC 20016
Community Council for the Homeless,The Haven,4200 Butterworth Place
Community Council for the Homeless,Veronica House S+C,4891 MacArthur Blvd and Scattered sites
Community of Hope, Case Management for FRSP, Scattered Sites
Community of Hope, FRSP
Community of Hope, Home Now, Scattered Sites
Community of Hope, Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), 4 Atlantic St, SW
Community of Hope, Hope Apartments,3715 2nd Street, SE, Washington,DC
Community of Hope, Mississippi Avenue PSH
Community of Hope, Parkway Overview, PSHP
Community of Hope, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), The Triumph, 4225 6th Street SE
Community of Hope,1413 Girard St. NW
Community Partnership, DC General Family Shelter,1900 Massachusetts Ave,SE
Community Partnership, Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
CORE DC, Federal City 1N, 425 2nd St NW
CORE DC, Rapid Re-Housing Singles
CORE DC, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), The Aya, 850 Delaware Ave, SW
CORE DC, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), The Horizon, 5004 D Street, SE
CORE DC, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), The Terrell, 2500 14th Street, NW
Covenant House Washington, Rights of Passage I (Transitional Housing) 1629 Trinidad Ave, NE
Covenant House Washington, Rights of Passage II, Transitional Housing, 11 61st Street, NE
Covenant House Washington, Rights of Passage III, Transitional Housing, 129 Yuma Street, SE
Covenant House Washington, Rights of Passage, Scattered sites
Covenant House Washington, Safe Haven, Emergency Youth Housing, 4900 Quarles Street NE
Covenant House Washington, Safe Haven, Emergency Youth Housing, 511 Melon Street, SE
Covenant House Washington, SHINE, Emergency Youth Housing, 4904 Quarles Street NE
Covenant House Washington, The Sanctuary, Hypothermia/Low Barrier Shelter, 129 Yuma Street, SE
Covenant House Washington, The Sanctuary, Low Barrier Shelter, 511 Mellon Street SE
Covenant House Washington: Rights of Passage II (Transitional Housing) 2001, Mississippi Ave SE, WDC 20020
Covenant House Washington: Rights of Passage II (Transitional Housing), 1623 Holbrook Avenue NE
Covenant House Washington: Rights of Passage III (DYRS Transitional Housing), 1629 Trinidad Avenue NE
Covenant House Washington: Rights of Passage III (DYRS Transitional Housing), 2001 Mississippi Ave SE, WDC 20020
Covenant House Washington; Street Outreach Program, 2001 Mississippi Ave SE, WDC 20020
CSOSA Re-entry and Sanction Center-1900 Mass Avenue SE
DASH (District Alliance for Safe Housing), Right to Dream
Davidson House; (Singles -Temporary Shelter), 87 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001
DC Central Kitchen,Culinary Training Program,425 Second St.,NW,WDC 20001
DC Central Kitchen,First Helping Outer NorthEast,Greater Southeast
DC Doors, Extended Transitional Housing, Evolution De Carlos #1, 217 Valley Street, SE
DC Doors, Extended Transitional Housing, Evolution De Carlos #2, 430 Condon Terrace Street, SE
DC Doors, PSH-Families
DC Doors, PSH-Individuals
DC Doors, Steps to Stability, Transitional Housing, 3305 Dubois Place, NE
DC Doors, Steps to Stability, Transitional Housing, 4013 Gault Street, NE
DC Doors, Zoe's Doors (Youth Drop-In Center), 900 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
DC Doors- HIS Place
DHS - Adams Drop In Center
DHS - Anacostia Service Center - 2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE
DHS - Downtown Day Center (DC Bid and Pathways to Housing), New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1313 New York Avenue NW
DHS - Headquarters - 64 NY Avenue, NE
DHS - Office of Work Opportunity (OWO) - Rapid Rehousing Program - Include the Location of Incident in Incident Description
DHS - Permanent Supportive Program - Direct Services
DHS - Rapid Re-Housing Program - Direct Services
DHS - Targeted Affordable Housing - Direct Services
DHS - Virginia Williams Family Resource Center - 920 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
DHS Service Center - Anacostia - 2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE
DHS Service Center - Congress Heights - 4094 South Capitol Street, SW
DHS Service Center - Fort Davis - 3851 Alabama Avenue, SE
DHS Service Center - H Street - 645 H Street, NE
DHS Service Center - Taylor Street - 1207 Taylor Street, NW
Downtown Day Services Center
East River Family Strengthening Collaborative, FRSP
East River Family Strengthening Collaborative, Rapid Re-Housing, Families
East River Family Strengthening Collaborative,System Transformation Initiative,Scattered Sites
Echelon Community Services, FRSP
Echelon Community Services, Kia's Place 3
Echelon Community Services, Kia's Place 4, 302 V Street, NE, Washington,DC 20002
Echelon Community Services, Rapid Re-Housing
Echelon Community Services, Rapid Re-Housing Singles
Echelon Community Services,A New Start at Kia's Place,Scattered Sites
Edgewood Brookland Family FSC, FRSP
Edgewood Brookland Family FSC, PSHP
Edgewood Brookland Family FSC,Case Management for FRSP,Scattered Sites
Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative - Ionia Whipper Home
Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative,System Transformation Initiative,Scattered Sites
Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative: Ionia Whipper Home, 2000 Channing Street, NE
Emery Rec. Center, 5701 Georgia Ave., N.W. Washington,DC
Erna’s House, 1107 11th Street
Everyone Home DC, Corcoran, Kramer, and Atlantic Street Units
Everyone Home DC, FRSP
Everyone Home DC, Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), 415 2nd St NE
Fairfield Inn, Pandemic Emergency Program for Vulnerable Individuals (PEP-V) hotel
Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative, FRSP
Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative, Rapid Re-Housing
Far Southeast Family,Strengthening Collaborative,System Transformation Initiative,Scattered Sites
First Seventh Day Adventist Outreach,Upper Georgia Avenue Corridor and adjacent neighborhoods
Friendship Place, La Casa, Irving Street PSH
Friendship Place, PSH Families
Friendship Place, PSH Individuals, Scattered Site
Friendship Place, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), The Brooks, 3318 Idaho Ave NW
Friendship Place- Valley Place Bridge Housing Transitional Program
Friendship Place: Street Outreach Program, 4713 Wisconsin Ave NW, WDC 20016
Georgetown Ministry Center Outreach,Southern Ward 3 and Western Ward 2
Georgetown University Hospital,HOYA Clinic,1900 Massachusetts Avenue,SE,Washington,DC 20003
Georgia Avenue FSC, FRSP
Georgia Avenue FSC, Rapid Re-Housing Program
Georgia Avenue Rock Creek,East Family Support Collaborative,System Transformation Initiative,Scattered Sites
Grant Associates, 810 Potomac Avenue SE, Washington, DC
Greater Washington Urban League, Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
Greenleaf Senior Center, 1200 Delaware Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024
Hampton Inn, 501 New York Avenue, NE, WDC 20002
Harriett Tubman Shelter for Women
Healthy Babies Project, Muriel's House, Crisis Beds, 1733 27th Street, SE
Hillcrest Children and Family Center, Rapid Re-housing Singles
Hillcrest Children and Family Center, Short Term Family Housing (STFH)
Hillcrest Children and Family Center, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), 4300 12th St, SE
Holiday Inn Washington, PEP-V Site, 1501 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005
HOR, Swing Space Hypothermia, 1009 11th St NW
House of Ruth - Families First Herspace
House of Ruth, Family Space,1421 Columbia Road, NW
House of Ruth, Hope Rising
House of Ruth, KidSpace,2916 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20020
House of Ruth, Madison,651 10th Street, NE
House of Ruth, New Beginnings,306 S Street, NE
House of Ruth, New Pathways, 2425 Naylor Road, SE
House of Ruth, New Pathways,700 6th Street, NE
House of Ruth, Reunified Families,2425 Naylor Road, SE, Washington, DC
House of Ruth, Three Sisters
House of Ruth-New Pathways/Three Sisters 2425 Naylor Road SE
Housing Counseling Services, Emergency Rental Services Program (ERAP)
Housing Up, Case Management for FRSP, Scattered Sites
Housing Up, FRSP
Housing Up, Housing Up - Homeward, Scattered Sites
Housing Up, Housing with Care 1, PSH Families
Housing Up, Partner Arms 3 - TH Families
Housing Up, Partner Arms 3-37th Street,342 37th Street, SE
Housing Up, Rapid Re-Housing Program
Housing Up, STI Case Management, Scattered Sites
Housing Up, The Summit
Housing Up, The Summit, 168 Mississippi Ave, SE, Transitional Housing
Housing Up, Transitional Housing, The Summit, 166 Mississippi Avenue, SE
Housing Up, Weinberg Commons, PSH Families
Housing Up; 935 Kennedy St. NW
Institute for Emotional Regulation- Rapid Re-Housing Singles
Jobs Have Priority, Employment Program,426 2nd Street, NW
Jobs Have Priority, Naylor Road Shelter,2601-2603 Naylor Road, SE, Washington, DC
KBEC Group, FRSP Rapid Re-Housing
KBEC, Faith United, 4900 Tenth St NE
KBEC, Family Life, 4100 South Capital St SE
KC Community Services PSH Families
KC Community Services PSH Individuals
KEBC Group Inc, Youth Transitional Housing
Kennedy Recreation Center
King Greenleaf Recreation Center, Hypothermia Shelter, 201 N Street SW
La Casa 1444 Irving Street NW
La Clinica Del Pueblo 2831 15th Street NW , Washington DC 20009
Langdon Park Community Center, Hypothermia Shelter, 2901 20th Street SE
Latin American Youth Center (LAYC): Allies for Success
Latin American Youth Center (LAYC): LGBTQ 4601 Connecticut Ave NW
Latin American Youth Center (LAYC): The Stage
Latin American Youth Center, ELP, Scattered sites
Latin American Youth Center, PSH Individuals (Youth)
Latin American Youth Center,Hope's House,Scattered Sites
Latin American Youth Center: Allies to Success, 4601 Connecticut Ave NW WDC 20008
Latin American Youth Center: Drop In Center, 3045 15th St NW 20009
Latin American Youth Center: Low-Barrier Shelter, Drop- In Center, 3045 15th St NW 20009
Latin American Youth Center: Permanent Support Housing, 2321 4th St NE, WDC 20002
Latin American Youth Center: Stage, 4601 Connecticut Ave NW WDC 20008
Latin American Youth Center: Street Outreach Program, 3045 15th St NW 20009
Latin American Youth Center: Transitional Housing, Allies to Success, 4601 Connecticut Ave NW WDC 20008
Luther Place Night Shelter, 1226 Vermont Avenue NW, NW Washington, DC 20005
Malcolm X Opportunity Center, Hypothermia Shelter, 1351 Alabama Avenue, SE
Maximus Inc, FRSP
MBI Health Services, Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), 5010 Sheriff Road NE
MBI Health Services, PSH Families
MBI Health Services, PSH Individuals
MBI Health Services, PSH Unit Based, individuals - The Ethel
Metropolitan Education Solutions, PSH Families
Metropolitan Education Solutions, PSH Individuals
Metropolitan Education Solutions, Rapid Re-Housing Singles
Migrant Program - IEM - Days Inn: 2700 New York Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
Migrant Program - IEM - Hampton Inn: 501 New York Ave NE Suite A Washington, DC 20002
Migrant Program - IEM - Quality Inn: 1600 New York Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
Migrant Program – OMS - Harbor Light: 2100 New York Ave, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Miriam's Kitchen, Homeless Street Outreach
Miriam's Kitchen, PSH Individuals, Scattered Site
Miriam's Kitchen, PSH Individuals, Site Based
My Sister's Place
My Sister's Place, FRSP
N Street Village, Capitol Hill Vista, PSH-Individuals
N Street Village, Diane's House, PSH-Individuals
N Street Village, Erna's House
N Street Village, Eve’s Place
N Street Village, Patricia Handy Place for Women, 810 5th St NW, Washington, DC 20001
N Street Village, Phyllis Wheatley
N Street Village, Sharon's Place Transitional Housing, 1333 N Street, NW
N Street Village, Shelter, 1009 11th Street, NW
N Street Village,PSH 1107 11th Street NW
N Street Village,Shelter Plus Care,SRO units within N Street Village
N Street Village,VREC SRO units within N Street Village
National Center for Children and Families, PSH-Families
National Center for Children and Families, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), The Kennedy, 5505 5th Street, NW
National Center for Children and Families, Short Term Family Housing (STFH), The Sterling, 1700 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
National Center for Children and Families,1448 Park Road,NW
Nativity Women's Shelter
Neighbors Consejo Outreach,Columbia Heights Neighborhood and surrounding areas
Neighbors Consejo Transitional,1622 Lamont Street,NW
New Endeavors by Women, New Horizons – 300 56th Street NE
New Endeavors by Women, New Hope – 3360 6th, Street SE
New Endeavors by Women, New Journeys – 611 N, Street NW
New Endeavors by Women, Rachael’s House 1342 Florida Ave NE
New Endeavors by Women,NEW Endeavors ,611 N, Street NW
New Endeavors by Women,New Generations,3749 1st Street,SE Washington DC 20032
New Endeavors by Women,Shelter Plus Care,Scattered sites
New Hope Ministries,John Young Center 119 D.Street NW
New Hope Ministries,Open Door 425 2nd Street,NW
New York Ave. Men's Shelter 1355 New York Ave., NE
North Capitol Collaborative Inc,System Transformation Initiative,Scattered Sites
North Capitol Collaborative Inc. System - FRSP
North Capitol Collaborative Inc. System - Rapid Re-Housing
Open Arms Housing, Ainger Place
Open Arms Housing, Owen House
Open Arms Housing, PSH-Individuals
Open Arms Housing, The Dunbar
Other /undisclosed location
Pathways to Housing 101 Q Street NE Suite G Washington, DC 20002
Pathways to Housing, Homeless Street Outreach
Pathways to Housing, PSH-Individuals
Patricia Handy Place for Women, 810 5th St NW, Washington, DC 20001
Permanent Supportive Housing, 1333 N Street NW Washington, DC 20005
Phyllis Wheatley, 901 Rhode Island Ave NW
Positive Kinship Bonding, PSH-Individuals
Recovery House, 1333 N Street NW
RIGHT Inc. Shelter Plus Care, Scattered Sites
Saint John's Community Services, 901 D Street, SW Suite 800, Scattered Sites
Salvation Army, Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
Salvation Army, Grate Patrol, District of Columbia
Sasha Bruce House 1022 Maryland Ave Wash DC 20002
Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Inc. Re*Generation House
Sasha Bruce Youthwork: Drop-In Center, 745 8th SE, WDC 20003
Sasha Bruce Youthwork: Olaiya’s Cradle, 5370 Hayes St NE WDC 20019
Sasha Bruce Youthwork: Transitional Housing, Olaiya’s Cradle, 5370 Hayes St NE WDC 20019
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Emergency Shelter, Extended Transitional Housing (Phillip Reid) - 1814 Rhode Island Avenue NE
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Independent Living Program,1312 East Capitol Street, NE
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Low-Barrier Shelter, Drop-In Center, 741 8th Street, SE
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, PASSAGES, Extended Transitional Housing, 3042 30th Street, SE
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, PASSAGES, Extended Transitional Housing, 3043 30th Street, SE
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Rhode Island Shelter
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Scattered Sites
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Sasha Bruce Youthworks,1312 East Capitol Street, NE
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Temporary Shelter Program, Scattered sites
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Transitional Family Preservation at Belmont Crossing
Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Youth PSH-Families, V Street
Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League: SMYAL House II, Transitional Housing, 2231 Nicholson Street, SE
Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League: SMYAL House, 746 19th St NE WDC 20002
Shugg's Place, 2200 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
SMYAL - YHDP Rapid Rehousing - RRH IND Youth - HUD CoC YHDP
SMYAL Main Office
SMYAL, Roman's House, Extended Transitional Housing - 130 Wayne Place SE
SMYAL, Roman's House, Youth Transitional Housing
SMYAL, SMYAL House I, Transitional Housing - 746 19th Street NE
SMYAL, SMYAL House II, Transitional Housing, 2231 Nicholson Street, SE
SMYAL, SMYAL House II, Youth Transitional Housing, 2231 Nicholson Street, SE
SMYAL, SMYAL House, Youth Transitional Housing
So Others Might Eat (SOME), Weinberg House, Rapid Re-Housing
Spring Leaf, FRSP
TCP - Sargent Road
Thrive DC Outreach/Meals,1525 Newton Street,NW,Washington,DC 20010
Transgender Health Empowerment,Wanda Alston House,1711 North Capitol Street,NE,WDC 20002 (office),Scattered Sites
Transitional Housing Corporation,Case Management 4506 Georgia Ave NW,Washington,DC 20011
Trinidad Recreation Center, 1310 Childress St, NE, WDC 20002
UDC PATHS Office - 4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Union Station Washington DC
United Planning Organization,Hotline Transportation Services,301 Rhode Island Ave.,NW,20001
United Planning Organization,Non-Hypo-Hotline Transportation,301 Rhode Island Ave.,NW DC 20001
United Planning Organization,Shelter Plus Care,Scattered sites
Unity Health Care,CCNV Medical Clinic,425 Second Street,NW,Washington,DC
UPO, Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
US Vets
Veterans on the Rise, FRSP
Veterans on the Rise, Rapid Re-Housing, Families
Wanda Alston Foundation, Wanda Alston House, Extended Transitional Housing - 1228 Fairmont Street, NW
Wanda Alston Foundation, Wanda Alston House, Extended Transitional Housing - 248 57th Street, NE
Way of the Word CDC,New Day Transitional,835 Yuma Street,SE,Washington,DC
Wayne Place Transitional Program
Wheeler Creek, Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), 1130 Varney St, SE
Wheeler Creek, PSH-Families
Wheeler Creek, PSH-Individuals
Wheeler Creek, Rapid Re-Housing Singles
Wheeler Creek, Rapid Re-Housing, Adults