7 7D10
261 17th Street Southeast, Washington, District of Columbia 20003

Morningstar Community Development, LLC
The District of Columbia purchased the property in 2010.  In 2016, the property was transferred to the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development (DMPED) portfolio for redevelopment. The project went through the District's  OurRFP process. The District released the RFP in April 2017 with a submission deadline of July 31 2017. Two team responded to the RFP--Capital Hill CoHousing, LLC (CHC) and Morningstar Community Development, LLC (MCD). The District selected CHC  as the winners of the RFP process. CHC determined that the project was no longer financially feasible and allowed the disposition authority expire. DMPED, thereafter, awarded the right to negotiate a Land Disposition Agreement to the RFP's second respondent, MCD.  The new disposition legislation package was introduced to Council June 2022 and approved in December 2022. DMPED and MCD entered into the Land Disposition Agreement in June 2023.  MCD has submitted applications to the Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment, and DHCD for a map amendment, special exceptions, and in response to the NOFA, respectively.
34 0 34
Affordability Levels (% of Area Median Income)
0 5 0 6
40,552 0 0 0 2000 11
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When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

  • If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
  • If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistencies—in this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.

Read more about converting a column into a table.