DCPS School Program Provider Application

All DCPS School Program Providers are required to submit a registration application before operating in DCPS schools.

DCPS Program Requirements
  • offers a program directly to DCPS schools and/or students,
  • requires collaboration directly with DCPS schools,
  • does not provide health services or screenings,
  • works with students or schools 3 or more times per year.
Our Approval Process

Once approved, School Program Providers will receive an approval letter from DCPS. If your application is not approved, DCPS will share feedback, and your organization will be invited to re-apply once needed corrections are addressed.

Start Application

Note: Once you begin completing the application, you cannot save your work. If you do not want to complete your application in one sitting, we recommend that you draft your answers in advance and then paste them into the application when you are ready to submit them. Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis.